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Support group

Jubilee House

Jubilee House

Supported Living

Jubilee House is located just a short-walk from Chesterfield town centre, with its iconic crooked spire and famous outdoor market. There is excellent access to a range of leisure facilities, shops and educational centres such as Chesterfield College and the University of Derby. There are good transport links to Derby, Mansfield and Sheffield as well as rural towns in the heart of the Peak District such as Bakewell and Buxton. Individuals who utilise Jubilee House’s supported living services can therefore easily access and be part of the local community.

Overall Rating : Not Inspected


Supportive Environment

Highly Professional Staff

The caring and highly professional staff team at Jubilee House provide a safe and supportive environment. The team includes:

Registered Manager

Team Coordinator

Support Workers

Where appropriate, individuals can also be supported by our Clinical Consultant Psychologist who delivers Compassion Focused Therapies to address trauma.


Individuals living at Jubilee House have their own tenancies. The ultra-modern building contains 15 spacious, unfurnished flats which each contain a kitchen, lounge, bedroom and en-suite bathroom.

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Sense of Community

Assessment & Care Plan Process

​Following a referral to Jubilee House, an assessment will be arranged and undertaken by the Jubilee House management team. They will provide feedback on whether they feel Aspire’s supported living services will be able to meet the needs of the individual. A proposal of care and support plan will then be put together and a plan formulated to commence support services.


Jubilee House aims to create a sense of community and fosters links to its setting in Chesterfield, so that staff, management and the Aspire recovery model combine to provide a safe, supportive environment that encourages recovery and creates an onward pathway to a more independent, fulfilled life.


Here’s what individuals who use Aspire supported living services at Jubilee House say about their experience:

What They Say About Us

“The staff help me to remain on track for my goals and help me to excel above them as well. I like to chat with staff as they make me feel listened to.”

Providing Quality Care That You Can Trust

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